Whatever trick or treat looks like for you and your family this Halloween, here are a few tips to make it safe and fun for everyone:
What would Halloween be without costumes and candy?
Keep these social distancing best practices in mind to keep everyone safe.
• Stay home if sick • Trick-or-treat with people you live with • Remain 6 feet apart from people not in your household • Wear a face mask covering BOTH your mouth and nose (even under/over your Halloween mask) • Hand sanitize (with sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol) frequently while out, especially during key times like before eating or after coughing/sneezing • Wash your hands as soon as you return home
The traditional Halloween decorations might look a little bit different this year. Check out these tips to create a safe celebration setup for your neighborhood ghosts and monsters.
• Do not hand out candy if you are sick • Wear a face mask covering BOTH your mouth and nose • Take the Safe House pledge and register as an official Halloween Safe House • Use duct tape to mark 6-foot lines in front of your home and leading to you driveway/front door • Position a distribution table between yourself and trick-or-treaters • Distribute candy on a disinfected table to eliminate direct contact • Wash hands often
If you’re like most parents, safety is always top of mind this time of year. Here are a few tricks to keep your children safe and ensure a fun time is had by all.
• Stay home if sick • Talk with your children about safety and social distancing guidelines and expectations • Guide children to stay on the right side of the road always to ensure distance • Carry a flashlight at night and ensure your children are wearing reflective clothing • Wear a face mask covering BOTH your mouth and nose • Wash your hands as soon as you return home • Inspect candy |